Clear-Com RM120A Comm Remote Station 2 Channel
Clear-Com RM120A Comm Remote Station 2 Channel
The RM-120A is a remote speaker station that allows selectable communicating in the Clear-Com System. The operator can talk and listen on Channel A, Channel B, or both at once (without tying them together).
The RM-120A mounts in a 19″ rack, using just 1.75″ vertical space. It features a wide frequency response speaker and operates with a carbon headset or a dynamic headset/telephone-style handset.
The rear panel provides a 1/4″ jack for output to an external speaker (using it disconnects the internal speaker). The operator can turn down the volume of the built-in or external speaker to have a private conversation with a headset. Alternately, the gooseneck or headset mic can be turned off to use the RM-120A for “listen-only” (paging.)
The RM-120A provides a balanced program input for monitoring external audio in the speaker or headset. The RM-120A mixes the program with the intercom signal for monitoring in the headset and/or speaker. The station provides separate controls for adjusting intercom and program volume levels.
The “Stage Announce” feature is for paging applications. The RM-120A provides a balanced, line-level output signal to a 1/4″ phone jack (on the rear panel.) The Stage Announce button on the front panel activates this output, giving the operator access to an external speaker/amp system. Pressing Stage Announce mutes the operator’s voice to the intercom channels.
Visual Signaling is a standard Clear-Com feature. The “Call” button attracts the attention of intercom users who have removed their headsets or turned off their speakers (it can also activate remote control of KB-112 Stations). The RM-120A provides a Call button to signal stations on the channel(s) chosen with the “Channel Select” toggle switch. Each channel has a lamp to indicate incoming signals, regardless of the Channel Select switch position.
The RM-120A sidetone control allows the operator to adjust the level of his/her own voice as heard in the station’s headset/speaker. Sidetone control helps to prevent acoustic feedback when using the speaker and gooseneck mic simultaneously. You need only adjust sidetone when you set up the system (if at all), not when other stations join or leave the intercom system.
The RM-120A provides excellent speech intelligibility in all surroundings. It features “Automatic Headset Detection,” which shuts off the mic preamp when a headset is not plugged in. This prevents noise pick-up on the intercom line from the unused connector. The RM-120A also incorporates a mic limiter, which assures constant talk levels and prevents overload.
Headset and Mics
- The RM-120A provides:
- one 1/4″ phone jack for a standard carbon headset
- one 4-pin, male, XLR connector for dynamic headset, telephone handset, or push-to-talk mic